Scoring will be on a scale of 5 to 8 with one decimal point (example: 5.5)
1. When there are 5 judges, score will be based on total points AFTER highest and lowest scores
are eliminated. In case of a tie, one of the eliminated scores will be added in. If there is still a
tie, the other score will be added in. Another tie will result in the competitors performing a
different kata.
2. When there are 3 judges, scores will be based on total points. In case of a tie, the competitors
must perform another kata.
3. There must be NO MUSIC in Kata divisions.
1. Safety equipment is MANDATORY in all kumite divisions – all belts.
2. Competitors, referees, and judges should be dressed in full uniform.
3. Length of match will be two (2) minutes, accumulative points, all flags will count.
4. Only the Head Referee can start or stop the clock.
5. When a point is seen by one of the judges, that judge will say point to the referee. The referee
will stop the match. The judges will hold their flags in the neutral position until the Head
Referee calls for flags. The judges will immediately show the flag, either for red or white.
(Head Referee has 1 point)
6. Designated target areas are:
a. Side of neck b. Chest area c. Side of body (kidney area)
7. Foul Areas: Absolutely no face contact
a. Back of head b. Spine c. Throat
d. Back of neck e. Joints f. Groin area
8. Sweeping will only be with the front leg.
9. No excessive body contact – competitor will be warned once; second time – point will be
awarded to opponent; third time – disqualification.
10. All disqualifications to be verified – majority rules.
11. All competitors will compete in their belt/age divisions. Any discrepancy should be taken
to the tournament director.
1. Divisions MUST HAVE three (3) or more competitors OR they will/may be combined with
another division.
2. Showmanship winner DOES NOT COMPETE for Grand Champion Kata. Performance is
limited to four (4) minutes maximum.
3. Self-Defense Divisions – limited to four (4) minutes maximum.
4. Self-Defense/Showmanship Divisions – each individual pays for participating in these divisions.